




1. Background 

MINT is a multidisciplinary group cooperating with different agencies, including UBC Faculty of Forestry, BC Cancer Research Center, UBC hospital, Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT), Forest Therapy Hub (FTHub) and other forest therapy business groups. The term Shinrin-yoku or forest bathing was invented in 1982, and then “Forest Therapy” is a term that was developed from Shinrin-Yoku, ‘Forest Bathing,’ or ‘Eco-therapy.’ Nowadays, forest therapy has become popular around the world. The idea of forest therapy involves visiting the natural forest area and doing relaxing activities such as sitting, listening to the sound of nature, and using all the senses to feel and enjoy nature. An important aspect of forest therapy that different from Forest Bathing is its use as a kind of therapy to relieve stress and deal with other stress-related illnesses. It is scientifically proven that forest therapy can 

  • Help people’s sleep
  • Boost the immune system
  • Increase energy
  • Decrease anxiety, depression, and anger
  • Reduce stress and bring about a state of relaxation
  • Enhance anti-cancer cells activities

Therefore, forest therapy is preventive medicine that has healing effects that come with the ability to prevent illness. Our team focuses on developing integrated forest therapy activities and elements for different target audiences.


2. Objective

We aim to promote forest therapy and bridge the scientific gap between forest therapy activities and physiological and psychological impacts on human beings. Specifically, our team has the following objectives:

  • To identify the mechanism of the interaction between forest therapy and humans.
  • To analyze the different impacts of forest therapy activities on humans.
  • To determine the impacts of forest therapy on humans by different audience groups.
  • To develop an integrated approach for different forest therapy audience groups.


3. Our projects

Currently, we have four forest therapy projects.

  • Literature Review on the Sustainable Development of Forest Therapy in China
  • Assessing the contribution of tangible ecosystem services to local community well-being
  • Forest Therapy and Recreation Activities for Local Community
  • The Psychological and Physiological Effect of Forest Therapy
